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Letters from India by Molly Titus - Book Launch, Massey College, Sept. 30
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 @ 5:25 AM 0 comments!

I am so pleased to bits!  Tomorrow we are off to Massey College to meet Molly Titus who is presenting her book, Letters from India.  Molly has put together a collection of her mother's letters written in the 1930's and 40's while she was in India along with her husband. The letters are a fascinating glimpse into the society and culture of India as well as revealing some of the dramatic events shaping their world as war and upheaval were close at hand.
Molly is here tomorrow and her book is available for $20.

 Massey College, 4 Devonshire Place, Toronto.
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 5-7 pm.

Click on picture for a better view.

Daisy #2 for a Fall Card
Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 8:35 PM 0 comments!


Back again so soon, ha ha.   I made this card the other day - as I have been just 'die-ing'  to make a sunflower card - so rummaged around and used my Bigz die, Daisy along with some leaf from another die, 'Bird with Leaf and Flowers' and here it is!  I think the daisy does a good sunflower impersonation!

My only technique was to create some slits to weave a strip of paper through.  Then inside I added a border using a tearing technique..... I think its very homegrown looking!

Thanks for stopping by!
Beverly xx

Dies, dies and more dies - gotta luv em!
@ 7:48 PM 0 comments!

I love dies.   There is something satisfying about punching out paper.  Like popping bubblewrap I guess.  As far as punching styles go - I absolutely love "co-ordinating" stamps and hand-held punches.  After that pull out the big guns - I use the Big Shot, very sturdy and capable machine.

But naturally, its the "dies" we really get excited about. Whether you carry handheld punches over to your cozy corner to play or roll out a stack of shapes on your tabletop machine - you just end up wanting more and more dies - am I right? Bad habit, lol.

So I am always up for trying new dies I don't own - just yet - and here are two from Stampin' Up! I tried out recently  featuring both a Bigz die (love these as they go through amazingly easy!) and one of our newer Embosslit dies.

First card is using the Embosslit die called " THANKS" as you can see - but isn't that a nice way to pop on a thank you?  Its so clean, simple and quietly elegant.  If you really wanted to emphasize 'thank you' to someone, this would do it so well.
Thank You Card

Also what's neat about this die is that we have a hand-held punch to layer with it - our " Modern Label " punch, look for punch #24 in our cataloque, or item # 116630.

Tulipe Card
Up next is the Bigz die I mentioned....this is the very pretty "Tulipe"!  For a twist, this card is using the 'negative' image (or the background)  which means the punched out tulip  (not shown here) can still be used for another purpose -  let's say adorning another card - so 2 cards in 1 punch!

Starting with a co-ordinating colour base card  in Crushed Curry -  we put a strip of paper from the beautiful Razzleberry Lemonade Designer paper on the inside....

and then placed a 6 in.square of Rich Razzleberry (purplish) cardstock to cover the surface of the entire die.   Pressed through The Big Shot and  pushed out the pieces that comprise the tulip -  now our cardstock is showing the tulip's outline - or negative image. Layered this over more Razzleberry Lemonade cardstock - but not before punching the corners out with the tip of our newest  Christmas punch - Ornament!  I do own this punch already because it has co-ordinating stamps!  Wheee! (told ya I luv em!)   And lastly.....

we added glitter!  Of course we did!  The tulip is covered in a fine glitter, our very own 'Dazzling Diamonds' - but you know how hard it is to photograph glitter!!!  So I shut off lights and tried again....see if you can see it sparkle...?  

Well I had fun anyways...and you must admit, you have to  appreciate the whole 'Try before you buy' approach!  (ok...last thing I must sneak in...the Tulip's parts can be configured to make your own designs if you play around with the pieces...plus the 'Decorative Accents and Decorative Accents #2' are two more Bigz that could co-ordinate with this one.....ok, I'm done :) )
 Stampin' Up! Products (prices listed in Canadian) =  Embosslit Die, Thanks: #115957/$15.95 Cdn....Bigz Die, Tulipe: #1134578/$29.95....Ornament Punch: #116794/ $22.95....Big Shot Machine: # 113439/$132.95

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One Cute Stamp Set - OWL TOGETHER NOW
Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 10:00 PM 1 comments!

Luckily one of the trends in the craft world has forged its way into mainstream - our ability to create cards for any occasion using any colour scheme we want!  And it brought excitement and sighs of relief when it did - because who doesn't like to bend the rules once in awhile?

Take owls for instance.  I tend to think of them in a couple of ways....as spooky creatures of the night-type themes, or for Fall seasonal motifs. And usually Fall digs up the traditional colours - hey, which is great but another way is to expand on the colour combo's and here is a card which does that using pink, white and green colours.

Owl Together Now is a stamp set  I adored from the moment I played with it at a workshop last year - and its still just as popular as ever.

This card has one of the lil owls {there are 3}....and it can be put together "tout de suite'!  Or should I say 'hoot de suite"!

So think outside the box a little when thinking of seasonal cards!  [Top Note Bigz Die; Owl Together Now Stamp Set, Window Punch. ]

But if you'd like to remain traditional....here is another fabby creative version!  [Watercolour paper, aqua painter, Kraft cardstock]

If you'd like to order this stamp set { # 111534} - just contact me, come to a class or click on the Stampin' Up Logo on the left side, or under Cataloque in the Links to Luv to be taken to our 24 hour online shopping!
bye for now!
Beverly xx

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Strange but True - Buddha Shaped Pears!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 3:32 AM 0 comments!

Hello everyone!

I came across this juicy bit of strangeness on the web {where else!} and thought it was just weird enough and yet strangely cute - to want to share!    This japanese farmer has perfected a molding technique where he can grow buddha-shaped pears!  Just look at them !  I especially like how they look hanging from a tree ....wouldn't that feel special walking through a grove of buddha pear trees?

I actually love the pear motif - their shape, the colours and I luv pear scented candles!  I have come dangerously close to wanting to collect pear decorations for the kitchen....and then I stop myself.  I have to admit I do become fascinated when I enter another person's kitchen and they have an obsession with a collecting theme - like roosters or sunflowers or even magnets all over their fridge, salt & pepper shakers (have seen an amazing collection of those)....well, you get the picture.  I think its great but I am not sure yet if I want to do that - but if I did, it would probably be pears.  Who knows I may break down yet.....


Fabulous Friend Pillow Box Candy
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 3:41 PM 0 comments!

Need a gift?  Quickly?  A Make and Tuck!
My pun on the Make and Take phrase, but a collection of these tucked in a basket and you will always be prepared to "give a little" when you need to.  Or make a collection for a friend, fund-raising and so on.

Our treat- box is made with our PILLOW BOX DIE for the  Big Shot and using CLEAR WINDOW SHEETS 
 Fill with candy of choice.   
SU Pillow Box Candy 
Featuring….the   OVAL ALL Stamp Set painted with our  ink pads and the AQUA PAINTER brush and then punched out with the matching LARGE OVAL and SCALLOPED OVAL Punches

Stampin` Dimensionals will easily attach the greeting set to the plastic pillow box. Add ribbon shown here in OLD OLIVE GROSGRAIN.

TIPS – a) wind ribbon around the short end of the Pillow Box, to save money….b) block out the ``fabulous friend`` on the stamp, and write in a person`s name.
EXTRA USES – the Pillow Box Die can make a number of different projects such as upright, square boxes using four half pieces – or add a handle and make it look like a purse!

Have Fun – and be grateful for all the people who make our lives happier and easier!  :)

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MIA thanks to dog!
Saturday, September 19, 2009 @ 12:20 PM 0 comments!

Hi everyone – I have been MIA (missing in action) for a few days – well, a week, because of our newest member to the household – our new dog, Pepper. 

Demo and Pepper 003

Here’s what happened….about 2 weeks ago, we ‘adopted’ Pepper, a vivacious and adorable Peek-A-Poo, from a neighbor. I was told he was due for his scheduled grooming (because he literally looked like a mop!) and vet visit that following Tues – and that she would be willing to part with him when I was able. I said - “great, we’ll take him after his grooming,then!”  And everyone involved was fine. I was happy because he’d be all trimmed of all that fur, and we could start from scratch plus I’d know his health status – all good.

Then, the phone call on the week-end before the appointment came – his visit had been mistakenly booked, and now rescheduled for the 20th, but the lady was in despair about needing him taken (new baby in the house, etc.)….and so I agreed to take him provided she honoured her part of the agreement and took him for his grooming & booster shots.  Yes, that was fine.  So we went and got him.

Wow – having a long-haired dog that is not familiar with you is a crazy way to try to comb him/her!  He barely let us stroke him the first few days with the brush on his back let alone do a good job!  So, we finally worked up confidence and familiarity with one another over these 2 weeks but by then his face was matted and such a mess!  Oh he was a sight!

He has finally been groomed – and now looks sort of like a chihuahua and has ‘Yoda’ ears!  But the great part is – he is allowing us to play and pat all around him – I can pinch his cheeks, and check his paws….and who knows, maybe he will sit quiet for now till I can learn how to clean his ears!

Its been an exhausting couple of weeks as we try to adjust for smoother operations to accomodate a dog, plus find more storage….and get into the early morning & evening walks, (we had only 1 pee accident) …..plus train him some new things (he slept in their beds before – now he has his own bed). 

But its comparable to anything that requires a learning curve – and we have one of our own now. We’ll evolve – we’ve been bitten by the dog fashion bug ….and we discovered that going to an expensive dog bakery doesn’t translate into he’ll eat the latest and greatest treats (and my daughter actually bought him a dog cupcake!)….but I know we will be all at ease at this time next year. Peek-A-Poos are very friendly and he is a superbly well-behaved dog even without a lot of training ----so life is hectic but we’re very happy!  We love him to bits! 

Here is what is keeping my perspective for dog grooming – if down the road, I think its crazy combing everyday….I’ll look at this and realize we don’t have it so bad!  Isn’t this dog wild!



Have a great week-end everyone!

Beverly xx

don’t know this dog – if you know him, let me know so I can credit your pic!

Many Benefits to Scrapbooking
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 10:39 PM 0 comments!

Did you know that as of 2007 – according to US statistics – 78% of people now have a space dedicated in their home for scrapbooking?  WOW!  That’s really amazing I’m thinking – I’d never of thought it was that high….but whether its a tiny spot or a whole room, we are a ‘sisterhood’ of scrappers (ahem, there are actually some men doing this too, musn’t forget)….so for anyone of you out there who have not maybe taken your first baby steps to crafting, this article “Many Benefits to Scrapbooking” by Carole DeJarnatt really describes the feeling attached to discovering this very rewarding hobby…read on!

The scrapbooking hobby has been around for a long time and people do it for a variety of reasons. If you are an outsider to the world of scrapbooking, then you will not understand until you experience the craft the many reasons a person invests so much time and energy into a scrapbook page.
When I was first introduced to scrapbooking via my church family, I told them I had neither time nor energy to invest in creating pages of photos matched up with paper and cute little embellishments. I thought those people were crazy staying up all hours of the evening, dragging around tons of supplies, just to sit and create scrapbook pages. One evening I was invited to a scrapbook night and I agreed to come with the intent of visiting and watching. No scrapbooking for me. I was a business professional who could not imagine investing time or energy into something I felt was for stay-at-home moms or those who had nothing better to do.
Little did I know I was about to change my mind and attitude…during the evening of socializing and viewing all the pages of creation, something changed in me. One person in particular needed help with color coordinating and matting her photos. I started working with her and ended up finishing her page for her. The scrapbooking bug bit me and it bit hard! The very next day I was out buying all the essential tools to create my very own pages of photos.
What is it about scrapbooking that captures so many people's devotion and attention?
What is it about scrapbooking that captures so many people's devotion and attention?
  1. Focus--You lose your focus on everything except for the scrapbook page you are working on. You forget the world exist for a few moments and you focus on nothing but what is in front of you.
  2. Creativity--All it takes is a sheet of paper and a few ideas to get your creative juices going. Whether the ideas are from a magazine, your surroundings, or the scrapbook paper held in your hand; the end result is pure enjoyment.
  3. History--When I think of a scrapbook, to me it is the history of the day, moment, or event. The page was created for future generations to learn of their family.
  4. Expressing myself--The scrapbook is made by someone and that in itself is a source of pride and joy. The feeling you get from completing, giving, or sharing your scrapbooks is indescribable.
  5. Giving--When working on a scrapbook layout, you are giving your thoughts, feelings, and memories to an event to share with others. The joy you feel when others express pleasure and enjoyment from your work is worth all the time and energy.

Scrapbooking has become so sophisticated you do not even need to leave the comfort of your home to get started. If you are experienced with computer programs such as Photoshop Elements, your tools are at the tips of your hands. If you prefer traditional scrapbooking, you still have the ability to order supplies and tools at the comfort of your home and within days you will be completing your own scrapbook.
People today have a variety of reasons for making their own scrapbooks and/or creating creations of beauty with their supplies. The majority of my experience has been to create something to share with future generations. People want to be remembered and through a scrapbook their lives are shared.

About the Author…
Carole DeJarnatt began her love with paper but now also designs digitally for the future generations of her family. Visit her website Bestscrapbookingresources.com for ideas, supplies, and learning guides. From beginner to expert, traditional scrapbooker to digital, the resources are available there to find what you need to create your own scrapbook or gifts for your friends and family.
Article courtesy of John Sanpietro, Certified Professional Business Coach                                                                     Visit John’s site at Stamping is My Business.

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My Christmas Class & Stamp Set Offer
Monday, September 14, 2009 @ 9:36 PM 1 comments!

As you may have seen below, I posted my class list for September and mentioned that Christmas classes would be held each month up to and including December.

 I also mentioned I would put a Special Holiday Class Offer together and well, here it is!


For $200 you invest during September 15- October 4, you will receive:
      1 Christmas Stamp Set (of your choice + up to a  maximum value of $35)
      $60 Spending Dollars of  Stampin' Up! Catalogue Product
      3 Classes ( Oct, Nov + Dec.) - where I will  work with you individually to use your stamp set in a
         variety of techniques so you will have an assortment of card choices for the holidays plus you will have
         access to stamp sets regularly featured in each of the month's class and 1 Mystery Project.
Please Note the Following:
       * Includes the price of shipping and taxes.
       ** Order of stamp set/products placed 14 days before class allow for delivery.
       *Orders placed before Oct. 3 - class offered after Oct 15/ Orders placed before Oct
         10 - class offered on or after Oct 24th)

So sign up today - this special time of the year only comes around for a short time  - lets have fun together and chalk up some good memories!

(sorry for any of the jagged sentences - my blogging is not co-operating, sigh)

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Christmas Envelope Card
@ 8:05 PM 0 comments!


Back tonight with another card to share - this one is courtesy of my upline Caroline at our demo meeting where we demo's gathered - in a pub no less - to have some crafting fun and talk shop.  Caroline had prepared 4 projects for us and this is one is a terrific Christmas card!  I like the little envelope on the front with the saying tucked inside it - that's the sort of detail I love!

Here's the details for this card.....the white layer has been trimmed along the bottom with Stampin' Up!'s Eyelet Border Punch.  Then the mini-envelope  attached to the front of the card is from our Big Shot line up of dies, this one is Scallop Envelope.  The envelope is made from our Specialty Designer Series Paper from our Holiday Mini Catalogue, called Christmas Cocoa - and I have to tell you - it is one very luscious paper set!  Besides the Cocoa Brown tones, there are rich Reds and lovely Whites - just perfect for holiday decorating!
Lastly, the cardstock is from our newest line of IN COLORs, the Soft Suede.

It's a fast card to put together - you could make a ton of these and send them out this year confident your card would be received with " I can't believe she made this! "   incredulity.  Well...unless you've been sending them fabulous cards before, lol! If so, here's another one for them sealing your reputation once again!! Aha!

Seriously though, it is a pretty card.

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Batty For You
Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 10:50 PM 0 comments!

Another card to sink your teeth into!  (so I didn't stop! LOL can you blame me!).....this has been a favourite stamp set for some time!  It comes with eight - 8! - great and cutesy-pie images for your fun!  Circular phrases frame each image so you can utilize your circle punches by including the words or leaving them out with a smaller circle punch as shown here by Michelle W. who made this card for our Stampin' Up! Showcase.  More designer paper is shown torn along the left side, subtle, but effective beside the greeting and the main focus - our boy the Count!

Stampin' Up! Feature Stamp Set:  BATTY FOR YOU!  

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From the Crypt!
@ 10:42 PM 0 comments!

Yes indeed - from the vaults of Stampin' Up! - or should I say crypts?....comes this beaut of a card, eerily enticing shall we say?    The halloween season is not too far away and if you have parties coming your way, this would make a nice invitation or a thank you card for the hostess  - well, you can "rattle" up some ideas I am sure!
(ok, I am done! ha ha  - can't help it,just came from the newest Harry Potter movie :) )

* Feature Card by Betty Gillespie
Stampin' Up Supplies include: Top Note Bigz Die, From the Crypt Stamp set, 1-1/4"  Striped Grosgrain Ribbon in Black, Cast-A-Spell Designer Series Paper.


Back to School Teacher's Gift Set
Thursday, September 3, 2009 @ 2:59 PM 0 comments!

Why not get off on the right foot with the teacher with a nice card and a little something to help him or her out? We know that teacher's often pay for supplies out of their own pocket and any contribution is a welcome one.
So I cooked up this idea ....a card and with it the simpliest little pocket pouches that can contain small office supplies - such as clips and push pins but it could easily be candy!

The card was a small labour of love I made not so long ago...I wanted to use up some scraps and this is one way of doing that.  I save scraps and sort them into brown bags that sit together in a large basket. So finding some strips, I laid them out over the paper layer  in one direction, alternating paper colours and patterns and secured one end of each to the card. Then I returned with strips to weave in the opposite direction. By securing the first layer's end, you can weave better. Saves endless grief re-working the positions!

Trim your ends and attach to card.

Then I decided to 'stitch' by hand.  I placed some holes in the cardstock in a pattern - could be any pattern, no rules :)  Then I used some cross-stitch thread in the green. I used more yarn to make a small home-spun looking doo-dad in the upper left corner.

A large red button is turned it into an apple simply by adding a stem/leaf which I made from more scrap paper.  To allow the apple to stand out, I separated it from the strips with 2 layers of paper underneath it.

Our Scalloped Square Punch came in handy as did my JUMBLE alphabet stamp set for the wording.....I left it at 'Best'....because you could make this card ahead and give it to your intended later on when an occasion arises, so it could be the 'best' teacher or mechanic or volunteer, etc.

I teach simple techniques for making the pouches you see here in my classes, so if you need instructions - just get in touch with me and I will share this one with you - a sort of "hello, here I am" sharing!  One could easily use these pouches for wedding favors or birthday party treats - or fill each one with chocolate - hmmm, maybe that will be another post for another day!

Here's some close-up pics - click on each to enlarge. Thanks for dropping by!


All supplies by Stampin' Up! except for office supplies, yarn and yellow sparkle paper.

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A holiday card from the simpliest of ideas and supplies.
@ 12:28 AM 0 comments!

I know that at this time of year there are new people who  may be embarking on their very first holiday season creating handmade cards!  We have all been there - our  first sense of joy and excitement - the very idea!
And maybe with limited supplies on hand, we wonder if we have enough - well, of course you do!  Having a piece of paper can be all you need - think of origami!  But today I am showing what may be the easiest Christmas card collection you'll have the joy to make!

Stampin' Up! has a page in the catalogue - let's see....page 208...and there you will find an assortment of single stamps all under $12.  Meet Dasher - isn't he handsome!  I knew I wanted him as soon as I laid eyes on him.....and so I am using him as my starting point.

I created this card with stamping Dasher and backing him with some - are you ready...recycled silver foil-coated paper - the box insert from a gift I received!  Yes - about 4 inches wide - but that's enough!  You can purchase silver cardstock, but a free find - why not!

SO after gluing my stamped deer to the recycled silver foil paper  using our glue roller adhesive, I then rummaged through my sewing box and found my old pinking shears!  A few well-meaning snips, and I had more interest on my card.....what next?

Just about to fix my 'Dasher' to the green cardstock - when I decided to do another favourite trick - use the same colour ink, on the same colour cardstock (or nearest colour) - and that is what I did using only the horns of the deer to create a bit of  'flourished' corners on the green cardstock...and see how it still stands out - it may be monochromatic, but it always looks classy in my opinion!

After gluing down the stamped image to the green cardstock, it occured to me to punch out part of a small circle on either side of the deer - and then make some more interest for the card by adding 2 silver brads.
But here is what I love about crafting - those part-circle disks that fell from the punch?  Well I used them as decorations by flipping them opposite the 'negative' space left behind - a modern touch!

And there you have it - a simple collection of supplies - and a pretty lovely card.  I would be happy to receive this!  

So fear not if you are just starting out - a beginner's collection, or a gift presented to you perhaps, means tons of ideas - really!  AND another important part - play!  Play and you never know what you might discover when you just get going!

Hope this has inspired you a bit - and if you are in my area, come join in on a class - the more you are around others, the more you will feel the inspiration!  But if you can't make it to a group for inspiration - that's why I blog!  I hope to help you all I can :)


Stampin' Up! Supplies - can be ordered through catalogue & a local Demonstrator like myself, or shop over the Internet using our online catalogue - 24/7 . Catalogues can be mailed right to you allowing you to experience  viewing our full collections in the comfort of your home - I can mail it to you all across CANADA. A beautiful catalogue in itself - often collected as they are chock full of beautiful illustrations!

 Any questions about how you could get started creating cards for the coming Holidays are welcome - contact me and I would love to answer any questions you may have.

MTSC37 Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 @ 6:50 AM 2 comments!

MTSC37 - that's the code for Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge #37 today over at Mercy Kerin's blog HERE.  It's the first one I have tried of this but it's a fun sketch and a chance to showcase more of my stash!

and here the picture is cropped:

I used a an old favourite stamp set and some patterned paper from my old stash - which is soon to be part of a 2nd hand sale I am doing to help clear up some room!  Out with the old - in with the new!

To all of this I used Stampin' Up!'s new IN COLOR cardstock in both: Soft Suede and more cardstock AND matching ribbon in Dusty Durango, a nice orange-y rust colour.

I elevated the pies with dots, and highlighted them from behind with a stamp from our Stampin' Up!'s SAE campaign last spring, called 'Polka Dot Punches' which co-ordinates with some of our basic punch shapes; this one is for a scalloped circle punch.

A few more bobs 'n' bibs and there it is.   Well - another thing today.....we just got a dog!!!! And I have been busy creating and its time to go see him, he's been so lovely and quiet - whatta fella!  His name is Pepper and he is a Peek-a-Poo.....I shall post a pic of him soon.  Anyways ta for now!


"Friends are like Purses" Scrapbook Page
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 1:03 AM 0 comments!

Hi - Happy Sept 1rst!

Can you believe it - its here!   And we have so much to do around here - just oodles of stuff, will get to it one at a time I suppose.....but luckily I did this project over time and now it is ready to show!   I wanted to use up some paper that was given to me as part of a RAK, and I also wanted to use my latest alphabet stamp set a bit more....the Jumble Alphabet which Stampin' Up! released early as part of their Sneak Peek when the new catty came out.  So here it is.......and that is me, years ago,  at one of my baby showers wearing the funny 'hat'! I wonder if any of the others will see this...I can't remember who took the picture, was sort of a surprise so everything is a blur in my memory now.  Anyways, LOL - here is what I did....                                

CLICK on pictures to see them larger......

I used the alphabet for the names Friends and purses - and - I used the 'S' as a border at the bottom - neat, huh?  It's literally the 'S' on its side, one after another.

I also used a retired floral set to make background details on the page esp. at the upper and lower corners. And I made even more subtle details in a very soft pink - a stamp wheel on the Friends and lots of distressing around edges - that sort of thing.  I like to layer - its something you can do in any manner you like - just play around.                                      
The final detail was to use my Big Shot and one of my recent dies, the Flowers, Daisies #2.  It adds some real ooomph I think.    So that's it - I enjoyed musing about how to tie the purses from the paper sent to me into my life's scrapbook - and I believe I did it, so next time you see some paper with a motif on it, think about how it might tie into your life's story!


Stampin' Up! Supplies: die = Flowers, Daisies #2; cardstock/designer patterns 12x12 paper= Passion Pink & Certainly Celery Designer Series Patterns paper; ink: Passion Pink, Tempting Teal, Lavender Lace, Certainly Celery, Old Olive; Stampin' Write Markers (handwriting): Lavender Lace, Passion Pink, Certainly Celery; accessories: Roller Wheel Handle, silver brads, gem brad, adhesive.                                          Stamp Sets : Jumble Alphabet,  Friendship Blooms (retired), Roller Wheel 'Illuminated'

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