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Making a card ? Prepare more!
Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 5:33 PM 0 comments!

Double up your efforts and have a stash - just like the pirates do!

Need a birthday stamp set - think of Sock Monkey and/or Birthday Whimsy - and later on you can colour, cut, and whip up a card in a jiff!

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Happy 21rst Birthday Daughter
@ 5:28 PM 0 comments!

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Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 9:47 AM 0 comments!

And the winner is . . . . . Pam Rew !!! Hurray Pam !

What a 'great way' to receive your new Aqua Painter Pen! And all the goodies to boot to go with it! With this prize - you can make a really nice 'beachy' feeling project or what-ever your heart desires!
Pam's prize contains goodies such as: vanilla/postcard 5x7 photo frame, sea shell note holder, Stampin' Up!'s Aqua Painter, Top Note die cuts in various colours {so saffron, bashful blue, vanilla}, HodgePodge Hardware in Vanilla, Chocolate Chip grosgrain ribbon, metal tags 'n' brads, a few samples of desginer paper - and all bundled in a nice basket! You could line that basket with some nice cloth for a real designer look Pam! Maybe your sister will help.

So congrats again!! :) Beverly


And more Candy Lane....
@ 9:17 AM 0 comments!

...one of my fav pics with my then 2 yr old and her darlin' chubby legs!
BIRTHDAY THEME or ANY scrapbook layout is easy because the page is decorated already with cute chicks shown here all ' embellished ' up!

My birthday theme uses:
hats = Sock Monkey stamp set
cupcakes = Bitty Basics
balloons = Birthday Whimsy, Sock Monkey
and glitter!!!
Plus . . . Bella Rose papers + Make-A-Brad= "custom" brad.
LUV, LUV, LUV this collection of papers for their soft colours esp. the combo of pinks & reds with brown! :)
Thanks for looking!
[all supplies Stampin' Up!]

Candy Lane Scrapbook with Circle Scissors Plus
@ 8:46 AM 0 comments!

Good Morning!
'Fundalicious' 6 in. scrapbook layout!
Candy Lane Designer Papers
Love this because:
- small size is cute
- secret spot for journalling {or hiding unsightly handwriting}
- circles are easy with Circle Scissors Plus
- 30 min project!

The ' girlz ' last night all made a slightly different layout - still easy to do with this size!
Great fun for embellish-ing - it all looks good!
[all supplies Stampin' Up!]

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Stampin' Up! Ribbon - and ribbon....and more ribbon...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 10:52 PM 0 comments!

Here is what 2 rolls of Stampin' Up! ribbon looks like!!!

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Earth Day Cards :)
@ 10:24 PM 0 comments!

Considering it was Earth Day - I felt a pang of duty to come up with a nod towards recycling in tonights Scrapbook gathering. Funnily enough, the other day I spied a store display box being tossed and I loved: a) the colours, very fresh orange and green - nice! ...and b) the nice design of soft leaf patterns and muted shades of nature speckled throughout. So I nicked it, lol! I knew then I'd do something with it - - and today presented just the right thing. I took that box home and cut it into tiny squares and long thin ribbons......and....a card emerged! From the trash to this....
Against a black backdrop for drama, a green leafy branch {die cut, Big Shot} adorns a 2 inch orange square which in turn is surrounded by a grid of 1 inch squares. To make it interesting, the patterns are different - and the final touch is the long, slim "grasses" just waiting for a butterfly to land on them!
Here is the group of our cards together - it's an easy project - and now you know what to do when you get beautiful packaging! Go for it!
Oh - and here is a haiku I found from a site in Japan and I am going to put into my card later:
"grasses kissed
the flowers blush
for days"
I just thought that went nicely with this particular design......oxox
[all supplies Stampin' Up!]

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My Bee Happy Mascot!
@ 10:21 PM 0 comments!

I put my beehive mascot into Spring mode by attaching some flowers to her - lol - now, ain't she sweet!

Wedding Card
@ 10:12 PM 0 comments!

My daughter had a really nice time at her uncle's wedding. And here is the card she made them. She wanted to use colours that were part of the bride's wedding theme, lavender and yellow. Then using the stamp from the KINDRED SPIRIT set, she sprinkled the large branch with tiny hearts and set the 2 lovebirds on the main branch - all snuggled lovingly together. I lined the inside of the envelope for her because I always think that is a nice touch. I'm sure some of you now recognize the bird die-cuts as being from Birds with Leaves and Flowers., a Big Shot exclusive. I am totally finding this to be a great die to have!

I am sure she will find that the happy couple are in LOVE with her heartfelt card!

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Ink Refill Dyeing - Part 1
Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 3:36 AM 0 comments!

I am back! I have been up to a real smorgasborg of stuff - both crafty stuff and some other real-life business. I have been called to be part of a new batch of volunteers for our local hospital, and to qualify - you must past some screening first and one of those is a TB test which is comprised of 4 appointments! So I am in the midst of that.

Also we have been putting together an outfit for my daughter to wear to her uncle's wedding - we have one of the prettiest dresses - paid premium for it because as you know dresses are in demand for proms as well. Then her long, thick hair! I have been learning how to do 'up=do's !!! Gave my poor daughter a headache after an hour of pulling all her long hair tightly through the flat iron - the slower you do it, the tighter the curl. And with a flat iron, you twist it 180 degrees from the moment you attach some hair near the root. I also put on so much hair-spray that my own hair was coated all over my crown, LOL!!! But, we did do a nice job!

Can't wait till she's all dolled up! Life has its moments, doesn't it?

Between all of this craziness, I more or less skipped around and experimented with my craft stash! I played with punches at Caroline's for one thing - and now I have a little stash of various shapes ready for a quick craft. Then I read about dyeing your ribbon with the ink refills we have. It sounded rather interesting - so I had a go!

I used 2 teaspoons of water for every 4 drops of ink. I also found a very small container so that the ribbon - in this case, a twill tape in 'natural' would coil up in it and be submerged. That way I use less ink and water and the saturation would be pretty good. Next time, I think I would wash the ribbon because if it has 'sizing' or any coating - that could prevent the degree to which the ink penetrates through.

Anyways, the idea was to have some fun! I left the ribbon in for at least half'n' hour but when I squeezed the ribbon of the excess water - much of the colour went too.

But I was still happy with my soft new "Baza Breeze" ribbon !!! After, seeing I had so much of the ink bath left - I dribbled it onto a piece of white 12x12 paper. I finished by 'whipping' the brush from the side in all 4 directions to get elongated dots of ink patterns - just to mix it up a bit.

When I have created something with these I will post Part 2.

Thanks for dropping by!

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